maandag 31 januari 2011

Zeg nooit

het kan nooit
vandaag misschien niet
maar wel ooit
zo simpel is het
alles kan gebeuren
maar het hoeft niet
Parvati´s Dans

Zij danst en laat de wereld draaien
Onder haar zolen welft de bol
van aarde koper water

Voeten wervelen over de polen
Keerkring kruist meridiaan
Continenten schuiven nachtelijk traag langs
Oceanen zwijgen kolkend blauw

Knieboog rust
tussen dag en duister
Nachtzee wenkt de dageraad

Sterren wentelen
schieten door ruimte
Tien armen buigen

tussen teen en kruin

donderdag 27 januari 2011

There are moments on every person’s life
 that stay with them forever
and shape who they are

Notice the momentum of wind and water as they move her toward a new encounter
All that she will ever need is already on board, at hand
Challenge: to believe she can do and have it all

dinsdag 25 januari 2011

Jessica Watson is Young Australian of the Year

Jessica Watson has this message for young Australians: dream big and do not give up.
Jessica Watson has this message for young Australians:
dream big and do not give up.

Queensland teenage sailor Jessica Watson has been named Young Australian of the Year for the bravery and tenacity she showed during her solo round-the-world trip.
The then 16-year-old battled fierce storms and loneliness at sea to become the youngest person to sail non-stop and unassisted around the world in 210 days.
She used her acceptance speech to urge her fellow young Australians to dream big.
"You don't have to be anyone or anything to achieve something. You've just got to believe in it and work hard," she said.
"It doesn't have to be sailing around the world. It might be building an orphanage in Cambodia, campaigning for climate change or something as simple as getting a driver's licence.
"To all you Aussies out there, particularly us young guys, let's dream big, but more importantly let's make it happen."
Watson's controversial journey at first attracted criticism and she faced calls to abandon the trip after colliding with a bulk carrier off the south-east Queensland coast.
Many questioned Watson's ability and maturity and whether her parents were doing the right thing in letting their daughter go.
But condemnation quickly become admiration as she pushed on, undeterred by the media attention surrounding her.
Apart from encountering wild winds, large swells and several knockdowns - one where her mast was pushed 180 degrees into the water - Watson's journey from then on was with few major setbacks.
Beginning in Sydney, the voyage took her through the South Pacific and across the Equator, south to Cape Horn at the tip of South America, across to the Atlantic Ocean to South Africa and then across the Indian Ocean and around southern Australia.
She withstood 40-knot winds and a four-metre swell while rounding the notoriously tough Cape Horn.
But it was conditions closer to home that proved some of the toughest.
Sailing the Southern Ocean, from Cape Leeuwin and around Tasmania, Watson's yacht was knocked down several times while battling wild storms.
Battling six-metre swells and a ripped main sail, the final leg of her journey took several hours longer than what was predicted.
But Watson has sailed her 10-metre yacht Ella's Pink Lady back into Sydney Harbour seven months later on May 15, 2010.
Her message to young Australians is to dream big and do not give up.
Watson is also Tourism Queensland's new Sailing Ambassador and was named Young Performer of the Year at the Sports Performer Awards in Sydney last month.

News about Laura Dekker >>

Foto van Thomas alias Roter Sand

vrijdag 14 januari 2011

Laura Dekker

Documentary on teen sailors solo journey in the works

The public will get a chance to see the ups and downs of the solo journey of Dutch teen sailor Laura Dekker.

Dutch Director Peter Wingender of Screentime and Dutch Producer Pieter van Huijstee of Pieter van Huijstee Film (PHF) have collaborated to produce a documentary of Dekker's solo sailing journey around the world. If she succeeds Dekker will be the youngest person to complete the feat.
The two were in St. Maarten filming Dekkers official arrival to St. Maarten as well as capturing other aspects of her stay here.

Wingender told The Daily Herald that the entire two-year project is expected to cost between 300,000 to 400,000 euros and that interest has been expressed by third parties to fund the project.
He said the international documentary will be in Dutch and English (with subtitles) and will be feature length - about 75 or 90 minutes. The goal is to have it premiered in the cinemas and subsequently broadcast on television.

The filming crew arrived in St. Maarten on December 16, two days before Dekkers arrival on December 18, to prepare for shooting.
He said the crew will be flying to meet with Dekker at key points in her journey for filming. There could be some damage on the boat and it might be a good idea to travel to her to see what will happen; you never know - its a documentary, it's not a feature film, he said. You can think of an end but there can be several possible endings.

The director said he can relate to Lauras journey because he too lived on a houseboat and sailed a lot as a crew member when he was her age. I can identify myself a bit with her story. I wasnt travelling solo, but I was part of a six-people crew and we were not racing to break a record but I have some experience in the field.

Based on Dekkers tentative travel schedule, there are some key points that are likely to be filmed. There are certain fixed points that she must meet in order to set the new record and those points are fixed because of the hurricane season all over the world. She has to be in Bonaire by February/March 2011; in the Panama Canal by April 2011 and she has to be in Darwin, Australia by December, if she does not succeed she has to wait until the hurricane season is over and it will cost her months. She also has to be in the Suez Canal by June 2012, I think. She has to be at her point of arrival in Gibraltar four days before she turns 17 in September 2012.

Elaborating on how he got the exclusive rights for filming for the documentary, Wingender said he had prepared and sent a proposal to Dekkers father for exclusive rights to film for a documentary during the initial stages. At least two other companies, Mass Media and Eyeworks, had also expressed interest in filming her. At one point there were uncertainties due to the earlier court case.

The discussions with the two other companies fell through and Wingender said he was contacted by Dekker's grandfather who asked him if he was still interested when Dekker was preparing for her journey. A contract was subsequently signed with Dekkers father for rights to film the documentary.
Everything came through just two weeks before Dekker was scheduled to arrive in St. Maarten. Wingender said it was decided that he should travel to St. Maarten to capture her arrival here since it marked her breaking one record, being the youngest person to cross the Atlantic from Europe to the Caribbean in a solo journey.

I can imagine that it would be nice to have a film of Laura-s journey. Ten years from now it would be nice to see what you did when you are 15 travelling the world by yourself, thats the main thing.
Speaking about his experience filming Dekker thus far he said: She is cool and very daring and courageous. He recalled going on a cliff about seven metres high in St. Barths, where Dekker spent the Christmas weekend. He said while he was hesitating, Dekker climbed the cliff, said in jest that he was a coward and she jumped off into the water.

He said St. Maarten had been very nice to Dekker and the filming crew. The people in St. Maarten treated her incredibly nice and a special thanks to Petra [Gilders of the St. Maarten Yacht Club ed.] because she made things happen not only for Laura, but also for us because we did not have the time to go around and meet people because we were busy shooting.

Laura also had to work on her boat because there was some damage due to the crossing. There were things like a small tear to her sail. Some people here are helping her to fix the damage to the sails. She also had to clean the boat because it was very salty and she had to wash her clothes because being three weeks out on the sea %u2013 there are things you would have to do.

It was quite interesting shooting her; how a little girl is coping on her own. She doesnt have a washing machine on her boat. She washes the old fashioned way with a piece of soap.
The Screentime owner wished Dekker success in her journey. I really hope that Laura has a safe passage and will end her journey by the end of September 2012, hopefully in good shape and with her boat in one piece. That would be a nice accomplishment and we would be there in Gibraltar to shoot her.

Source: Daily Herald, Judy H. Fitzpatrick

zondag 9 januari 2011

Gisteravond zijn we met Karin en Eric uit eten geweest bij Nikos om onze geboekte vakantie naar Griekenland te vieren en daarna hebben we het spel Keezen gespeeld tot in de kleine uurtjes. Erg verslavend! Karin en Eric moesten daarna nog helemaal terug naar Zoetermeer... 


Keezen is een bordspel voor twee, vier of zes personen. Keezen is afgeleid van het Indiase bordspel Pachisi, maar wordt met kaarten in plaats van een dobbelsteen gespeeld. Keezen wordt meestal gespeeld met twee of drie teams van twee personen (in totaal dus vier of zes personen).
Keezen is in Nederland momenteel erg in opkomst. Er worden zelfs al Nederlandse kampioenschappen gehouden. Ook in andere landen wordt het spel (of een variant) daarvan gespeeld. In het Duits heet het spel Tock of Dog, en in het Engels Tock.



Het spel kan met twee personen gespeeld worden, in teams van twee met vier of zes personen. Als er met teams gespeeld wordt, zitten de teamgenoten tegenover elkaar. Elke speler kiest een kleur en zet zijn pionnen op de beginvelden.


Doel van het spel

Het doel van het spel is om samen met je partner zo snel mogelijk met alle pionnen op de eigen thuisplaatsen te komen. Als een speler al zijn pionnen op zijn thuisvelden heeft staan, dan mag hij verder spelen met de pionnen van zijn teamgenoot.


Verloop van het spel

Het spel wordt in rondes gespeeld. Eén van de spelers wordt als startspeler uitgekozen. De eerste ronde krijgt ieder vijf kaarten de tweede en derde ronde krijgt ieder er vier. Na drie rondes worden alle kaarten weer bij elkaar gedaan en krijg je opnieuw drie rondes. Dit gebeurt totdat er een team gewonnen heeft.
Een ronde verloopt als volgt. De startspeler deelt de kaarten. Een voor een, te beginnen bij de speler die links van de startspeler zit, gooien de spelers een kaart uit hun hand op en voeren de daarbij behorende actie uit. Als een speler een kaart op kán gooien, moet hij dat ook doen, ook als dat betekent dat hij zichzelf of zijn partner van het bord slaat. Als een speler geen kaart op kan gooien, dan levert hij al zijn kaarten in en moet hij op de volgende ronde wachten. Als alle spelers hun kaarten kwijt zijn, wordt de speler links van de huidige speler startspeler en begint een nieuwe ronde.
De acties die bij de kaarten horen zijn als volgt:
  • Aas: een pion uit een startveld op het bord zetten of een pion een plaats vooruit zetten.
  • Heer: een pion uit een startveld op het bord zetten.
  • Vrouw: een pion twaalf plaatsen vooruit zetten.
  • Boer: een eigen pion met een pion van een andere speler (een teamgenoot of een tegenstander) omruilen. Dit mag alleen als de andere pion niet op een vakje van zijn eigen kleur staat.
  • Zeven een óf twee pionnen moeten in totaal zeven vakjes vooruit gezet worden.
  • Vier een pion moet vier vakjes achteruit gezet worden. Het is niet toegestaan de pion achteruit in het eigen honk te plaatsen.
  • In alle andere gevallen, moet één pion het aantal vakjes dat op de kaart staat vooruit gezet worden.
Wanneer een pion op zijn beginpositie staat, mag hij niet ingehaald en ook niet geslagen worden. Ook mag hij niet (met een boer) worden geruild. Ook de pionnen die zich al in het honk bevinden mogen niet worden ingehaald.

Puntentelling: De eerste die binnen is krijgt 20 punten, en voor elke pion van de andere 3 spelers die niet binnen staan krijgt de speler 2 punten. De overige spelers krijgen 5 punten voor elke die de speler binnen heeft.

Btw het spel gaat mee op vakantie en wij hebben gelijk online een Keezbord voor onszelf besteld :)

dinsdag 4 januari 2011

Laura Dekker grateful for donations

St Martin Photograph courtesy of

15-year-old solo sailor Laura Dekker has been overwhelmed by the number of people who have made donations in the past two weeks to help her achieve her wish to become the youngest person to circumnavigate the globe alone.

As well as her father acknowledging it in the media in Holland, Laura has repeatedly thanked both her sponsors and those who have contributed.

Her father Dick Dekker made an appeal for extra funds at Christmas, so that his 15-year-old daughter could sail on with worrying about finances. The project was not actually in danger, but there was no financial room for extras, like a visit at Christmas by her father.

The solo sailor had hoped to sell filming rights to a television company, but the company pulled out at the last minute. The voyage was the subject of controversy due to the young age of Laura, and it is unknown whether the negative publicity that accompanied the rescue of fellow teenager Abby Sunderland from the South Indian Ocean was any influence on their decision.

When she first announced her plans to sail around the world at the age of 13, the Dutch child welfare authorities refused to give her permission to take time off school and eventually she was made a ward of court. Nevertheless, a judge lifted the wardship last July.

Laura Dekker is currently on the island of St Maarten, doing what all cruisers do, repairing and polishing her boat, and restowing it for the next leg. She will set sail for the Panama Canal sometime this month.

Youngest sailing records are a grey area, particularly since both the World Speed Sailing Record Council (WSSRC) and the Guinness Book of Records have ceased to recognise the 'youngest' sailor. This means that all records are unofficial. Jesse Martin still holds the official record for sailing non-stop and unassisted according to the WSSRC rules. Jessica Watson, the Australian sailor who completed a circumnavigation last year was younger than Jesse but did not sail the distance according to those rules. Laura has never intended to complete her journey non-stop and unassisted, but she will be sailing a distance comparable to Jesse Martin.

Does anyone care? Not that you would notice. Jessica won rapturous admiration from Australians when she completed her journey just before her 17th birthday, and no doubt Laura will too, whether or not she completes it before she turns 17, which will be on 20th September 2012.